New Possibilities

Reimagining the postpandemic workforce.
Remote Connection between
Company <---->Employee

Pandemic-style working from home may not translate easily to a “next normal” mix of on-site and remote working.
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As the pandemic begins to ease, many companies are planning a new combination of remote and on-site working, a hybrid virtual model in which some employees are on premises, while others work from home. The new model promises greater access to talent, increased productivity for individuals and small teams, lower costs, more individual flexibility, and improved employee experiences.

Now is the time, as you reimagine the postpandemic organization, to pay careful attention to the effect of your choices on organizational norms and culture

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Managing the transition

Organizations thrive through a sense of belonging and shared purpose that can easily get lost when two cultures emerge. When this happens, our experience—and the experience at HP, IBM, Microsoft and Yahoo!—is that the in-person culture comes to dominate, disenfranchising those who are working remotely.

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How to Make Remote Employees Feel More Connected

Working remotely has a lot of perks, both for a company and its employees. Employers save money by avoiding the expenses that come with a traditional office and can choose the best people for their team regardless of their location. Remote workers get to enjoy more flexibility, get rid of the annoying daily commute, and spend more time at home with their families.

Although many organizations already saw these benefits and were trending toward remote workforces, the coronavirus pandemic forced others to abruptly shift to a work-from-home model (even if they didn’t want to). With this came several new challenges. A primary one being a lack of perceived connection. However, there are several tools and strategies you can implement to help your remote team feel more connected.

Building strong connections is a key part of building a strong business. Here’s how to make your remote work team feel more connected.

1. Keep an open line of communication.
One of the most effective ways to make your team feel connected is to make them feel heard. Keeping an open dialogue of constant communication and feedback is important for every company, especially those with remote workforces. 

2. Provide honest, frequent feedback.
Another way to improve employee engagement and connectivity is by offering frequent feedback. Feedback is a great way to not only show your remote workforce that you are paying attention to their contributions.

3. Use collaboration tools.
Your remote workers need to be able to easily communicate with each other. Sending off an email and waiting to receive the response just won’t cut it in today’s work environment. 

Communications get personal

Reimagining the postpandemic organization

Adapting workplace learning

Managers can’t push the pause button on capability building, so the moment belongs to virtual learning. Some tactics and strategies can help.

Hybrid virtual teams

Leadership is crucial, but in the hybrid virtual model, teams (and networks of teams) also need to adopt new norms and change the way they work if they are to maintain—and improve—productivity, collaboration, and innovation. This means gathering information, devising solutions, putting new approaches into practice, and refining outcomes—and doing it all fast. The difficulty rises when the team is part virtual and part on-site. What follows are specific areas on which to focus.

Create ‘safe’ spaces to learn from mistakes and voice requests 

Psychological safety matters in the workplace, obviously, and in a hybrid virtual model it requires more attention. First, because a feeling of safety can be harder to create with some people working on-site and others working remotely. And, second, because it’s often less obvious when safety erodes. Safety arises as organizations purposefully create a culture in which employees feel comfortable making mistakes, speaking up, and generating innovative ideas. Safety also requires helping employees feel supported when they request flexible operating approaches to accommodate personal needs.

Keep teams together, when possible, and hone the art of team kickoffs
Established teams, those that have been working together for longer periods of time, are more productive than newer teams that are still forming and storming. The productivity they enjoy arises from clear norms and trust-based relationships—not to mention familiarity with workflows and routines. That said, new blood often energizes a team.

Keeping track
The right metrics will depend on your goals, of course. Be wary of trying to achieve across all parameters, though. McKinsey research shows that winning performance cultures emerge from carefully selecting the right combinations of practices (or “recipes”) that, when applied together, create superior organizational performance. Tracking results against these combinations of practices can help indicate, over time, if you’ve managed to keep your unified performance culture intact in the transition to a new hybrid virtual model.

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